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9 Common Mistakes When Building Locksmith Websites

A strong presence in the digital world is a must for every business. This should not come as a surprise since the internet is the primary means through which various transactions are made nowadays. Even if you own a small locksmithing business, you should definitely invest in a website because, without it, people will not be likely to be aware that your business even exists.

However, having a website for your business that offers locksmith services is not enough. It is equally important that this looks professional and works properly every time. If a visitor doesn’t like what they see, or if browsing through your website becomes too much of a hassle, they would most likely leave your site and look elsewhere, losing you a potential customer.

Website Design Mistakes of Locksmith Companies

It can be challenging for locksmiths to figure out how to handle their websites, given it’s not in their area of expertise, not to mention the ever-changing landscape of search engines. New updates are constantly being provided, including security requirements to prevent your site from being vulnerable to hacking. This does not include design mistakes that can further influence site ranking in search results.

Listed below are common website mistakes that you should avoid.

1. Security Issue

Some locksmith websites will come out with a message saying it is not secure or safe, often due to a missing SSL certificate. In 2017, Google announced that it would mark any website without this certificate as unsecure and may need to have it removed from search results. This could potentially be disastrous for a locksmith agency as you will lose many prospective clients.

If you’re unsure if your domain is safe, type your URL in the address bar. If it starts with HTTPS, then your website is secured. For more information about security and HTTPS for your website, visit the help section of Google’s Search Console.

2. Mobile Accessibility Issue

Per BroadbandSearch, mobile search traffic has increased 222% over the past five years compared to desktop. What it means is most people nowadays use their mobile devices (smartphones and tablets) to search rather than their desktops. Given this, you can see what being mobile-friendly could do for your locksmith website. If your website cannot be accessed or loaded properly through a mobile device, you are missing out on more than half of the customers that could already be yours.

3. Outdated and Irrelevant Content

People search the internet not just for products and services but for looking for answers to specific questions as well. For instance, a person who got locked out of their home will most probably use the internet not to look for a locksmith straightaway but to find out how they can get in. If you don’t have content that answers this question, that person won’t be able to find you. Similarly, if a business owner having trouble with their office’s keypads only finds outdated information that doesn’t include a keyless entry system on your website, they would probably look elsewhere.

4. Service Page Issues

When creating locksmith websites, you must have a page specifying your services. Additional pages should be designed to explain further what these services are, what they can do, or how they can help your customers. Many locksmiths have lost potential clients because they could not inform their customers what they can do for them.

It is crucial that you highlight your top services on your website. To give customers a visual understanding of these, upload several photos of your completed works or ongoing projects.

5. Problems with Pictures

Put yourself in your target customer’s shoes – if you see your website for the first time and you see bland, uninteresting, or low-quality pictures, would you still look further into the site to find out more about the company?

That’s why the pictures on your website are vital if you want your website visitors to become future customers. You would want visually pleasing imagery on your website because, yes, humans are primarily visual creatures!

6. Difficulty in Navigation

Getting locked out of your home or car is frustrating enough. If your locksmith website is poorly designed and navigating through the pages is confusing, it could add to a locked-out person’s frustration. In the end, that person will surely look elsewhere, and you could lose a potential client to a competitor. Make your website easier to understand for them. Keep in mind that it is better to have 12 pages that are well-thought-out than 25 confusing ones.

7. Slow Loading Pages

Another cause of frustration for website visitors is pages that take ages to load. Most locksmith websites should load in a matter of seconds. A slow-loading locksmith site is annoying, especially if the potential customer is already in panic mode. More importantly, if your website has loading issues, it can affect your search engine optimization efforts, as a high bounce rate can lower your rankings.

Often, loading speed depends on your website coding setup. It is usually fixable with the help of an expert web designer or a professional web development company.

8. Poorly Written Texts

Bad grammar, misspelled words, and other text issues – all send red flags to whoever reads them. Yes, even a simple misspelled word can potentially affect your credibility as an authority in your niche. So take some time to review all the texts on every page of your locksmith website.

9. No CTA

CTA, or call-to-action, is exactly what it says – encouraging website visitors to “act” and take the next step you’d want potential customers to go to. While, of course, the main goal is for them to purchase your products and services, a CTA does not necessarily mean an invitation to buy from you or hire you right away. You could use CTA to subscribe to your email listing, view your products and services, or call you directly if they have any questions.

Key Takeaway

In today’s tech-crazed world, creating a website is one of the most effective ways to market your locksmith business. It’s basically your storefront in the digital realm. If your website’s not gaining any new customers or doesn’t generate any potential leads, there might be a problem with your website’s design. Take some time to review your site, pick out any website mistakes mentioned above, and make all the necessary adjustments to ensure your business’ success in the digital world.

For a locksmith website design you can be proud of, trust Advanced Digital Locksmith Group.

Building a website for your locksmith business is just the beginning because you also have to maintain it and ensure that it’s helping you succeed. Advanced Digital Locksmith Group is the best company to call if you need assistance increasing your digital presence.

Our team of marketing experts is here to help you and provide you with professional locksmith SEO services to improve your website or create a new design so it can attract more customers. Call us now and see how we can help you.

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